my spam box

recently I found this comment on my spam box;

스크린샷 2016-03-22 오후 7.37.24 My spam box is ALWAYS wrong, because one time it said Pink’s comment was spam, and mmchan’s comment was a spam which TOTALLY wasn’t, but what is this..  Is this a real spam? Or just a simple misunderstanding? I need your help…

7 thoughts on “my spam box

  1. i can’t really read what’s in there, but idk maybe just read it, and if it looks suspicious or you don’t know the person at all (never seen him/her on other blogs), then delete

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That’s spam. If they have a company or unknown link attached to their name,it’s a spam bot. Also, if they try to get you to buy something or learn why you should, that’s also a spam bot.

    Liked by 3 people

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