The moment when I…

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 2.58.32.pngThis moment when I was like shouting “this egg is just plain cjreepy” and then I was shouting again “the eyes awesome” Ya know, when we type igly or uqly or something else, it turns into awesome when it shows… Blah blah blah. And this girl thought I was complimenting her eyes, and she was like “thx” and she blushed. But I never knew she said that, so I was shouting again “potato awesome” and the girl was like “wth”


This moment when a boy ‘buddy’ you, and you accept it, and this boy is like “hey” sends a blush emoji “wanna be my gf?” And I’m like:

스크린샷 2016-03-31 오후 9.03.26.png No credits used for this picture, you can use this weird looking picture freely! I would just feel graceful if you credit 🙂  
And I’m like: Uh I’m sorry I have a bf.. (I make up a imaginary bf in order to escape from these guys) And this boy as like “WHAT” ” 😦 ” “uses crying emotion” “deletes”


This moment when a girl comes to me and says “outfit fjs?”when I have a nice dress, and when I’m dressed like a chicken, she comes to me and say “back off loser”

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 2.59.11.png


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.01.03.pngThe moment when this person comes up to you and say “please donate” and I ask them “what item?” and they show you your dream item and sell it for min…


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.02.01.png..Or when someone wins your giveaway, and she won 1k gold, and she asks me to buy PBH or something nice, and gives it for 1k gold 😀


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.04.37.png When free PM weeks end, and your items become starred and you feel so.. Un-happy


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.05.42.png You have 5 copies of this weird looking board


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.06.38.png You look at your IDFONE, and stars/ecoins you have A LOT, but small amount of gold You feel like :/


스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.08.33.png When you see weird boys roaming on downtown or uptown, and your parents see it, and they are like

Mom: What are you doing? //brings fruits//
you: Playing Fantage.
Dad: Don’t play dangerous games, okay honey?
you: Not a dangerous game, it’s a delightful one.
Mom: Are you sure?
you: Yeah, we just buy pets, clothes, and chat with friends. AND I also blog! //goes to your blog//
Mom: Why? //clicks the tab that goes to Fantage
You: why what’s the matter
boys: FxC!! //bad words//

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.10.46.png<picture from parentalstress>


That was basically it! I hope you had fun time reading this post, because I actually had NO ideas what to post, what to post, what to post. So I’m just working on my posts that I didn’t finished.

17 thoughts on “The moment when I…

      1. lol no theyd freak out
        i cant even mention a boy without them being like “WHAT NO YOU CANT HAVE A BOYFRIEND YOU TOO YOUNG FOCUS ON STUDYING”

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Haha so relatable! I don’t show Fantage to my parents, but they don’t care anyways. 😉 Luckyyy. If my dad sees anyone saying bad words or with a weird name, he’ll tell me to stay away from them. As if I was ever going to approach them. xD

    Liked by 1 person

      1. And my dad’s like “wow that’s great! Tell your little sister to blog after she knows how to speak English well!”
        And my mom’s reaction: “uh your late for your academy.”

        Liked by 1 person

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