fashion of Fantagian

level 0-15

스크린샷 2016-02-28 오후 9.39.16.pngNo rare, limited items, but they still manage to look good, so they still have some free gifts and shop items!

Level 16-99

스크린샷 2016-03-01 오후 9.52.44.png They wear lucky bots, and ccc items. Even though they have good items, they still don’t have  Fantagian fashion.

Level 100-199

스크린샷 2016-03-01 오후 9.47.02.pngThey have some limited item, and rare items. They start to have some Fantagian fashion, and they also know lots of Fantage words..

Level 200-299

스크린샷 2016-03-01 오후 9.50.29.jpg They will have new rare items, which they get it right after it comes out. (scary)

Level 300-399

스크린샷 2016-03-01 오후 9.54.24.png They are now super used to Fantage, and know what’s worth and what’s not. They might even become scammers.

Level 400-499

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.20.23.png Now, they wear limited items, items hard to get, and use a lot of Fantage slang words.

Level 500-599

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.20.29.png What’s Fantage Fashion to them? Fantage Fashion now means JUST fashion to them, and forgets about REAL life fashions.

Level 1000&over

스크린샷 2016-04-27 오후 3.20.44.png They mostly go to my mall, and buy limited items, and they are SUPER pro at Fantage.


Not meant to offend anyone, this post is just for fun. 🙂 Have a nice day!

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